Scripting: An Effective & Powerful Manifestation Technique

Ever since “The Secret” was released in the form of a book and later a movie, the idea of manifestation has gained a lot of traction. While there are various manifestation techniques that one can choose from; “Scripting” is known to be one of the most powerful and effective methods of manifesting because unlike other methods it prevents your mind from wandering and follows a process which slowly but surely raises your energy vibrationto the optimum level for manifestation. It helps you imagine in a manner which invokes manifestation by encouraging you to focus on the solutions and achievement of your desires rather than focusing on the challenges and obstacles.

The process of scripting manifestation requires you to begin with positive expectations and trust in the Universe. You cannot start with feelings of stress or lack and then hope to successfully manifest positivity and abundance. So, make sure you focus on your breath, calm yourself, stabilize your emotions and then begin the process of scripting with faith and conviction.

Let me explain this through the use of a few examples.

For example:

  • “I am so happy and grateful to the Universe now that I have been selected into (exact name of the college) the college of my dreams.”
  • “I am so happy and grateful to the Universe now that I have bought my dream house at (address of the house).”

If you carefully read the above-mentioned examples, you will notice the basic requirements of an effective script can be listed as follows:

  • Write down your desire in the present tense, in a manner which signifies that your desire has already been accomplished.
  • Script in a manner which stresses the emotions of “gratitude” and “a sense of accomplishment”.
  • Showcase your “True emotions and feelings” through the script, exactly the way you would feel once you achieve your desire. (Write it in the present tense).

Script in a manner implying that the desire which you had, has been answered by the Universe and you are now being grateful for the blessings of the Universe and the accomplishment of your desire.

As evident, the scripting process is no rocket science; however, it certainly requires consistency to be effective. As per the practitioners and proponents of this manifesting technique, it takes roughly 40 days to form the habit of scripting in a manner which results in a paradigm shift in one’s energy and receptivity.

Thus, if this is going to be your first time trying to explore the world of scripting, you should ideally follow the process for at least 40 days with belief and commitment to get the best results. The key would be to start with positive expectations and with the firm belief that the Universe is truly your friend and always has your back.

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